Nutritional therapy blog where you can find top tips and seasonal recipes
Why more exercise isn’t the answer
The definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different response.
Perimenopause marks a change in what works for our bodies and an opportunity to change things up, try something new.
Why am I feeling anxious?
Why is anxiety a common experience in perimenopause? What can be done to help?
Supplements – health heroes?
are vitamin supplements health heroes or expensive villains?
Living with pain
Inflammation is a key contributor to pain and research has shown that a balanced approach to diet and lifestyle can reduce inflammation - wonderful foods to enjoy for their anti-inflammatory properties include ginger, turmeric, nuts, seeds and oily fish. For the...
The cold shoulder, bone health and magnesium
In clinic I often meet perimenopausal women who have shoulder or elbow pain and restriction, such as frozen shoulder. I had bursitis and tendonitis in my shoulder 3 years ago. It was painful and scary, disrupting my sleep and restricting my movement. Like many of...
Healthy Habits
A useful tool A tip I often use in clinic is to write down a list of the things you (usually) do regularly to keep yourself feeling well. We all have things that we do to keep us energised, often without recognising that is what we are doing. Keeping a list of these...
Flaxseed, health and menopause
What is flaxseed? Flaxseed or linseed is a small seed that originated in the Middle East. The active compounds in flaxseed are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), fibre and ligans and between them they have some powerful actions. They are anti-inflammatory, they have...
Sunshine – and vitamin D
Sunshine! it has been lovely to see the sun this week, despite it still being quite chilly. The sun and blue sky lift our mood and that is much needed at the moment and it also enables our bodies to produce vitamin D. Whilst enjoying a few minutes in the garden I...
Eating well as a vegan / vegetarian
As concern for the environment has increased, the number of people following a vegan or vegetarian diet, particularly in young adults has grown. A good vegetarian diet can encourage experimentation with new foods and cooking methods, expanding the diversity of our...