Eating well for life

Practical support for improving health and energy

My mission is for you to feel strong and capable – able to enjoy life fully.

You know you could be eating better and it is impacting your health, but you don’t know where to start.

Perhaps you have had a diagnosis or health test that has highlighted it is time to pay attention or some symptoms you can no longer ignore. 

Maybe you have an uncomfortable relationship with food. You might have grown up in a family that didn’t eat or cook well.  Or you may feel overwhelmed with the constant information about what ‘we should be eating’. 

I can help to build your health and your relationship with food, to enable you to live well.

 The resulting increase in energy I have has enabled me to exercise and socialise more which of course has increased my energy further still.

I am so glad I made the initial contact with Alison and would whole heartedly recommend her to anyone wanting to find a smoother path through the crazy perimenopause years!

You keep everyone on track.  Take some time for you.

I appreciate that family life can mean catering for different tastes and dietary requirements and I can help to simplify this.

Learn more about nutritional therapy and how I can improve your health. Or book a free call to see how I can support you or call or email any questions that you have.

Cannot tell you how much better I am feeling since seeing you back in February. i stood on scales today at 9 stone 10 which is a weight loss of a stone since then. I consciously eat healthier – so much more colour and variety and with the Vit D seem to have more energy all round.
I am running smoother, not injured as often, have started strength training classes for women on a Monday and … am running The London Marathon in October for The Royal Osteoporosis Society!

Healthy and nutritious meal of salmon couscous, tomatoes, green beans

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